The SEO Coach Blog
Death by a Thousand Blog Posts
Are you exhausted from cranking out endless blog posts for your website? If you're like most business owners I work with, you've been told that more content equals better SEO results. But here's the truth: you're exerting more effort than necessary. Let's bust a major...
SEO Doesn’t Work – If You’re Using the Wrong Strategy
Hey there! Let's chat about something super important if you're trying to bring in qualified leads or make sales through your website. It all comes down to the strategy you use, and if you’re not using the right one, it’s a big ol fail for your SEO efforts. I see a...
Top 11 Free SEO Tools for Small Business Websites
In today's digital age, SEO is a critical component of online success. With the right tools, enhancing your website's visibility and search engine ranking can be both effective and budget-friendly. This listicle presents the top 10 free SEO tools, each accompanied by...
Difference Between Internal and External Links
Difference Between Internal and External Links Link building is currently a buzz word in the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Search Engine Optimizers use the term ‘link building’ frequently. But what really is link building? What links are involved in link...
Quick YouTube Success Tips
Quick YouTube Success Tips The success of any YouTube channel is determined by the number of viewers. If your YouTube channel has been up and running for some time, this should be no news to you. However, that awareness does not necessarily mean your YouTube...
Instagram! A Social Media Marketing Gold Mine
Instagram! A social Media Marketing Goldmine With an average audience of 1 billion users a month and still growing, gold is the right metaphor for Instagram as a valuable social media platform. And just like gold, to tap into Instagram’s value you have to know how to...
Top 5 Must Have SEO Components Every Web Page or Blog Needs
Before implementing the top 5 must have SEO components for any page or post on your website, you must first consider a very important detail that is surprisingly overlooked by many website designers and owners: Search engines actually search your site, or as they like...
TikTok and Business: How to Achieve Marketing Success in 3 Simple Ways
TikTok and Business: How to Achieve Marketing Success in 3 Simple Ways TikTok and business in a sentence? You are probably wondering if that even makes sense. Yes, it makes absolute sense! How? Founded in 2016, TikTok has seen a huge growth; boasting of about 500...
Seven Sensational Reasons to Use Pinterest for your eCommerce Business
Why should you use Pinterest for eCommerce buiness? Let's start with an expanation of what exactly is Pinterest? Remember, or maybe you don’t, bookmarks on your browser? You would find a site or page you liked, and you click the bookmark. Sounds great in theory, but...
LinkedIn! The Stable Business Partner You’ve Been Looking For
LinkedIn! The Stable Business Partner You've Been Looking For LinkedIn and business in the same sentence is an idea most can get around. It makes sense when you think about it; but can you make sense of it? Do you actually understand what a LinkedIn account can do for...
Twitter! The Marketing Tool You Did Not Know You Needed
Twitter! The Marketing Tool You Did Not Know You Needed Twitter and marketing are not words that are commonly used in one sentence. However, as one of the most popular social networks in the world, of course, there has to be a bunch of smart, tech-savvy individuals...
Why Facebook is Your Best Bet at Making Your Business the Next Big Thing
Why Facebook Is Your Best Bet At Making Your Business The Next Big Thing Facebook! Really? We would imagine that was your reaction when you read the title. You probably scrolled around to find the date this article was published to make sure you are on the right page....
Which Social media platform is Best for My business
Which Social Media Platform is Best for My Business? Social media has swiftly become a fundamental business marketing tool in this digital age; but with so many options to choose from, you must have asked yourself, “What are the best social media platforms for...
3 Easy Steps to Help Google Find Your Website
You've published your website, and waited, for months sometimes, yet your website still isn't found when you search for it on Google. In frustration, you ask, or maybe yell, Why hasn't Google found my website?!! One very important reason why Google may not have found...
Super Simple SEO Secret
As a small business owner, you took a huge, crucial step and created a website. It’s beautiful! Yet, you launched several weeks ago, and nada. No visitors. What does it mean? What does this mean? Sorry, too much TikTok lately. One very important reason could be...
4 Proven Ways An SEO Coach will Benefit Your Business
The idea of being an SEO Coach grew out of my love of coaching my website clients over at dragonfly digital. I love empowering them to take over their own site instead of relying on me or another website company. From my first interactions with clients I heard their...