The idea of being an SEO Coach grew out of my love of coaching my website clients over at dragonfly digital. I love empowering them to take over their own site instead of relying on me or another website company. From my first interactions with clients I heard their frustration at not being able to contact their web designer to make even the smallest changes. I vowed to change that practice in my own company. I did. Now, I’m applying that same philosophy to SEO.

An SEO Coach Works with You, Not For You
As any great coach would, I am there by your side, guiding you, cheering you, coaching you, through setting up, or expanding your SEO skills. Our sessions will incorporate hands-on training where I guide you through important optimizations to grow your website’s ranking.
An SEO Coach Empowers You
Knowledge is power. I love that saying because it really is. In the world of SEO, to obtain that knowledge, you’d need to slog your way through countless articles, videos, books, and webinars that are laden with confusing terms and procedures. The information is out there, and I have slogged through it, so you don’t have to. My teaching style is direct and informational. I excel at condensing a lot of information into an understandable format. I don’t believe in long winded explanations. You want the knowledge. I give it to you. It’s that simple.

An SEO Coach Saves You Money
If you look at prices for SEO companies, they range from two to three hundred dollars a month to the thousands. What exactly are they doing that a small business owner can’t do? Do they hold the secrets of the SEO universe? Of course, my answer is no. Yes, they do provide an extremely valuable service, but if you are a small business owner who is just starting out, or who wants to know about every aspect of your business, SEO Coaching is for you. My cost is a fraction of what SEO companies charge because you now have the knowledge to do it yourself.
An SEO Coach Makes Your Profits Grow
The end goal of SEO is to rank higher in search engine results, which leads to more clicks to your website, which leads to more clients for you. It’s that simple. If your potential clients can’t find your website or social media pages, you’ll be lost in that big ol traffic jam known as the information superhighway. You’ve poured your energy and time into creating and growing your business, let me help make sure it’s found!